Saturday 08 February 2025, 10:30am - 11:30am
Hits : 145
For some people of African descent, Niagara Falls was home and a safe place to work and live. For others, the city was a crossing point over the last barrier to freedom – the Niagara River. By boat, freedom seekers were buffeted by mist and rain, were rocked and tossed as they rowed past the falls into freedom in Canada. By bridge, freedom seekers from all over the United States funneled towards Canada aboard trains. For the Black waiters of the Cataract House, they escorted thousands of individuals across the river behind the elegant facade of a grand hotel.
Join the Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center on a virtual tour to learn more about the last stop of the Underground Railroad and how freedom seekers dealt with newfound freedom in Canada.
Location Virtual Event